日曜日, 6月 27, 2010




G8 condemns North Korea for ship sinking (2010-6-26)
哨戒艦沈没で北朝鮮を非難、G8 2010/6/27 00:52
G8:北朝鮮を非難、イラン核も懸念 首脳宣言発表 (2010-6-27)

当初の草稿によると “strongly condemn the attack by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea on March 26,” だったようですが...


"We condemn, in this context, the attack which led to the sinking of the Cheonan."

"We demand that the Democratic People's Republic of Korea refrain from committing any attacks or threatening hostilities against the Republic of Korea."


G8 leaders condemn North Korea for ship sinking (2010-6-26)
G8 leaders condemn Iran, North Korea in final summit communique (2010-6-26)
G8 leaders condemn Iran, N. Korea in communique (2010-6-26)
G8 to put pressure on North Korea, Iran and Israel (2010-6-26)
G8 leaders condemn North Korea and urge Iran respect laws (2010-6-26)
G8 leaders focus on Iran, North Korea threats (2010-6-26)
G8 leaders focus on Iran, North Korea threats (2010-6-26)
G8、2日目は哨戒艦事件やイラン核問題 (2010-6-26)