木曜日, 12月 10, 2009



「核なき世界追求」オバマ米大統領がノーベル平和賞授賞式に出席 (1/2ページ) (2009-12-10)

The President's speech in acceptance of the Nobel Peace Prize was on air today in Oslo, Norway. All the kings and queens were present, the music was on, and the introductory speech. And the President refered to Afghan's unfair election and its corruptions -- that its government must gain credibility of Afghan's people by fighting against crimes.

A lot of people have many hopes, false or otherwise, and when the hope is overwhelming, you get exhauted. Somewhat, hopes eat you up and get you in an controllable manner. And this time, my hope was for him to defy war. For if the violence could be justified, how the US differs from Taliban? said Afhgan people. Would the word democracy convince them of the distinction? It is the holy war for them.

They say that the war in Afghan would get worse before getting better, if it would.

While there are people in doubt but truly believe in his intention to bring peace, there are those who can not go beyond their limits in believing in peace. That is where they are.

And the real victims are there not fully aware of what is going on in the world. Because they do not have the access to information, most of them unable to read. The NATO force must ally with the Afghans. Where do they get the anti-US messages saying that the US is their enemy when the direct threats actually come from elsewhere? The Afghan people chant in the same language as the Iranians.

I found it impossible to be pessimistic about those issues, not while the traces of the President's speech is in the air. It affects the way things are. My best wishes -- that more hands will help solve the problems.