木曜日, 12月 24, 2009

米国:上院が医療保険改革法案を可決 下院と一本化作業へ


米国:上院が医療保険改革法案を可決 下院と一本化作業へ (2009-12-24)

The President announced at the press conference that the Senate had passed the healthcare bill. He said it was a century lasting struggle. The compromises in the Senate version seem to be public options despite being backed up by the polls and cheaper alternative medicines, for which they have bus tours for prescription drugs to Canada, where they are cheaper than in the States.

We are saying they finally got a proper healthcare system in the States. In the States, more than 70% of the bankruptcies have been resulted from healthcare related costs. Quite a figure and probably I would have a hard time convincing people how things are in the States -- where the rich can get the better services and, a longer life. What I do not understand is why not-rich people are not complaining about the healthcare services that they can not get, possibly resulting in a shorter life span, which is evident in the statistics. The average life expectancy in the States is far shorter in the States than in Japan, being the number one in the world for female and two for male.