金曜日, 12月 18, 2009

COP15主要国首脳ら緊急会合 合意に向け政治宣言案



COP15主要国首脳ら緊急会合 合意に向け政治宣言案 (2009-12-18)
COP15、政治合意案提示へ 首脳級が緊急会合 (2009-12-18)
新合意案基に交渉大詰め=未明に首脳会議開催-COP15 (2009-12-18)
京都議定書を延長か、EU方針転換…COP15草案 (2009-12-18)

The President Obama will be at COP15 summit and the breakthrough is expected -- or not, to reach a political agreement. It has been widely expected and yet the talks has been stalled etc.

It will be such an excitement, and only reading from the articles -- one says you should be pretty satisfied if the President Obama appears in the conference, while others say we do not know what would happen.

All the money talks and the amount is enough to get everyone excited. This thing is world-wide, all the poorer nations and their lives would go through a tremendous change, it is beyond any could have hoped, the negotiators and what people they are -- and looking at them now that they are talking. If only they could have a deal with China -- to make them listen to -- common sense, the international standards.

Let's hope they will reach an agreement -- that is what matters, at this time of the year. What is right, and what is not, and the negotiations, talks, discussions, and it all comes to agreements they are heading for.