土曜日, 7月 01, 2006


WTO閣僚会議 合意先送り


We are paying more than multiple prices for the agricultural products. Tariffs more than 100% may sound ridiculous but they are more than that. What are those 900% tariffs on gelatine potatoes, scallots and mattress plants? Surely consumer can have choices lower priced imported rice over the national branded ones when the price is more than 30-70 dollars per 10 kilograms? 100 gram of beef costs 500 yen? Apple cost more than a dollar each? A tiny piece of bread made out of the flour with lower gluten contents costing us like a dollar each? And the dairy products -- cheese, yogurt, milk, butter, etc -- which cost around three times or more as much as in Germany with less taste.

The interesting thing here is that the noodle products are in better situation in those regards. They are not as expensive. It is only because they import the flour and manufacture the products. Because there can be this 'national' industry, they won't put much tariffs on the ingredients.

The subsidy to the farmers amounts to 2.3 trillion yen in Japan. And what amounts more is not only limited to our tax money, although it is our main concern nowdays -- along with the consumption tax talks -- when the national debt is 827 trillion yen. Where are the voices of people who actually pay for the products?


価格調整 自給率 カロリーベースの自給率 菜種油の自給率 カロリー0の野菜つくり なに考えて自給率 農家の誇り 日本人の誇り 自給率 食料自給で総力戦 ばら撒き被害 モラルハザード 統制経済 生産調整 安定供給 自給率