火曜日, 7月 31, 2007



House approves resolution urging Japan to apologize over slaves (2007-7-31)
慰安婦決議案きょう採決 下院本会議、可決へ (2007-7-30)
米下院、本会議で慰安婦決議を可決 (2007-7-31)

They used the war-time excuses at the time of war. Now they are using patriotism for their excuse for sympathizing with those kinds of crimes instead of expressing opinions against them. Just only this time, the problem involves the people of our neighboring countries, and there are the criticisms not only from inside but from outside.

They still use special terms like Madonna for female lawmakers -- the candidates. But this time, by the last 2007 upper house election held on last Sunday, 26 female candidates won. They makes up 21.5% of the 121 seats, the half of what constitute the whole.

When will they value our time?