月曜日, 8月 28, 2006



イランのコウチャキسجاد کوچکی海軍総司令官は、8月27日、イランの国営放送に対し、潜水艦から長距離ミサイルを発射したと発表したという。発射はイランの軍事演習中に行われ、イラン側は、地対空ミサイル「サゲブ」は、イラン国内で開発、製造されたものと主張しているという。

Iran test fires long-range missile

Iranians seem to like dress like typically in Holleywood styles.

Moreover, "Iranians" seems to be taking democracy for rhetrical arguments. If they are to suppress having different political opinions by publically executing people, there is no room for true debates. N-program threats won't let neighboring countries to have different stance over the disputes. Ahmadi Nejad should have discussions with its people over their political freedom. Demonstartors arrested, tortured, and even hanged. Hundreds of newpapers banned. Public executions including stoning. Reporters and bloggers arrested and the access to websites banned.


Iran Test-Fires Sub-to-Surface Missile


ايران از موفقيت در آزمايش يک موشک دوربرد خبر داده است