水曜日, 4月 18, 2007



長崎市の伊藤市長、銃撃され死亡 (2007-4-18)
使用銃は米国製38口径=水心会が解散届-県警・長崎市長銃撃 (2007-4-18)
容疑者所属暴力団 解散直後に再結成 事件関与? 不審車両目撃証言も (2007-4-20)


平成1 8 年上半期の薬物・銃器情勢

An English major senior collage student shooting 32 people and nobody talks about gun control?

Then those who do not -- take actions to control guns -- are as crazy and fanatic as the killer himself.

Expect another 10,000 people die this very year by gun related crimes in the United States. Note that some of the guns flow into Japan. That accounts to many of the ten people (four of them gang members) who got shot and killed last year in Japan.

... not to mension how hard it is to deal with gangsters.

Q&A: US gun laws

10,000 "ill" people in the States killing each other.

How "ill" are the gangster members?

U.S. Congress may act to keep guns from mentally ill (2007-4-23)

How could they say such a thing -- that they could have defended? Is this the way to show respect to victims at all?

'Cho fired more than 170 shots' (2007-4-26)

And the over-reacted defendants can kill just anybody who they think could be their enemy.

One of those killed the Japanese student whose name nobody will ever forget. Hattori-kun who happened to be a Japanese high school student, got into someone's yard. He was then told to "freeze!". What could "freeze" mean anyway? It means to get things below its freezing point. As that he did not understand what it means -- or it seems like, as we understand -- he went near him, and got shot. SHOT. Shot in someone's yard, by a resident.

Death sentences are like inviting people to go for suicide bombing. They can not survive anyway, and their guilts will be compensated if they themselves are got killed. They call those matyrs.

発砲ろう城 暴力団と銃の一掃を (2007-4-21)
海賊版DVD販売、中高生の日当5000-1万円 (2007-4-22)


長崎市長射殺、水心会解散は「偽装」…取り締まり継続へ (2007-4-21)
所属組幹部も同種拳銃持つ=市長銃撃で使用の38口径-入手経路を捜査・長崎県警 (2007-4-21)
「一長をやれ」と指示か 城尾容疑者、犯行の前 (2007-4-21)
解散後、幹部が新組織 城尾容疑者所属の暴力団 (2007-4-22)