火曜日, 11月 13, 2007



「程なく衆院選」―小泉元首相 (2007-11-13)


「改革まだ足りない」小泉元首相、活動活発化の意向 (2007-11-13)

The former prime minister Koizumi gave a speech in Singapore and emphasized the necessity of reform and the needs to reform gasoline tax and automobile-related tax that are designed for "special purposes" such as road constructions, the major sources of corruptions between the government and construction companies together with groups that are created for the special purposes for "golden parachute" for bureaucrats.

He referred to the danger of the alienation of the Japanese voters and emphasized the importance of giving hopes in politics, both of which are key terms of the "democratization" in Japan where political apathy is justified as -- no news is good news.

He described the opposition party policy as ambiguous due to its closed nature, and insisted that the closed door deals between parties is the reasons for alienation of voters that they do not know what they are voting for.

Koizumi pushes for open economics as a way forward -- Japan's ex-PM advocates more reforms, open markets, freer trade, deregulation, innovation (2007-11-15)