木曜日, 1月 28, 2010




「世界一の米国」堅持=雇用創出、財政再建に全力-初の一般教書演説・オバマ大統領 (2010-1-28)
雇用悪化、財政赤字の難題、超党派を呼びかけ 真価問われるオバマ大統領 (1/2ページ) (2010-1-28)
民主・共和党は党派的対立を乗り越えるべき=米大統領 (2010-1-28)
オバマ氏の一般教書演説、評価するが約78% 緊急世論調査 (2010-1-28)

The President Obama in the State of Union Address today talked of:

The Healthcare bill.
The Climate Change bill.
He will not compromise on the Financial Reform Bill and that the banks must repay the tax money given.

The tax cuts for the Middle Class and small businesses.
Limiting discretionary spending from the year 2011.

More exports of goods and services from the US but no more job exports. Fair trades.

Green jobs and that the Recovery Acts helped tens of thousands of people got employed.

Getting rid of influences of lobbyists and make the transaction transparent.

High speed railways.

Bipartisan supports, referring to the wars and the deficits that he had to inherit.

The nuclear disarmament treaty with Russia, talk will be held in Washington in April.

The military must modernize and that the people can serve regardless of sexual orientations.

Equal pays for both genders.


He talked of the reclusive Iranian regime creating nuclear weapons. He talked of the dangers of the nuclear weapons in hands of terrorists. He talked of security. And peace. The soldiers will be back home from Iraq by this summer. The soldiers
in Afghan will be back home in 2011. He talked of the families of the soldiers.