土曜日, 9月 24, 2005

東アジアの停滞というのは、北鮮の住民が抹殺されようと、韓国市民が貧しかろうと、日本の外交が理解されないことがあろうと、中国が(民主化しないため に、北朝鮮に軍事援助しているために)敵視されようと、それがいったい何を意味するかなど、理解する人間さえいないことを言う。東アジアの外交は、高官レ ベルと、マスコミレベルで汚職まみれにしか見えない。


... and what would we know?

N. Korea tactics of brainwashing is exactly like that of a cult. The way to address Kim. The way to perform collective danses. The way they recite their bibles. More than one million exceptionally well-fed soldiers and starving farmers. The access to media -- broadcasting, books, papers, etc -- under control. The statue and the pictures of Kim are everywhere. All adds up to -- totalitarian undemocratic dictatorship.

A religious sect -- that's what N. Korea is. Refused food aids -- and inviting others to watch their 'mass-game' of 100000 of people. N. Korea must change soon, or otherwise millions of people in N. Korea will suffer -- and their weapons are their sole exports along with their drugs and their counterfeit money.

There has been so many years since N. Korea was recognized as a problem. Sanctions, UN sanctions, or at least it is necessary to put pressure on China on its trades on arms.

100ドル紙幣偽造、北朝鮮政府が関与と断定 米司法当局


奥田経団連会長、訪中 極秘会談は中国の要請

