月曜日, 5月 14, 2007


China refused Taiwan entry to WHO once again. Japanese parliament passed the bill that opens the way to change our pacifist constitution. This is what happened in one day -- all in a way that is against the wills of the citizens of each country, Taiwan and Japan. And all the blame should be on China.

China sold its satellite to Nigerian government for whatever purpose no-one would ever know.

台湾加盟申請は却下か WHO総会開幕 (2007-5-14)
WHOが台湾の加盟申請案を却下、外交部が不満と遺憾を表明 (2007-5-15)
Japan approves constitution steps (2007-5-14)
中国、ナイジェリアの衛星打ち上げ 外国受注は初 (2007-5-14)
Le Japon ouvre la voie à une révision de sa Constitution pacifiste (2007-5-15)

If they are to justify bashing to an individual, like force the opinion of some particular individual of their choice, make it constitutional and apply the rule to everyone.憲法を改正して、国民すべてにその法を強制するがいい。


防衛省昇格で普通の国に (2007-5-15)
