金曜日, 12月 15, 2006
船橋市の地方公務員は、ラスパイレス指数で 102.1→102.4、国家公務員より給与が高いという。
→ 地方公務員の給与水準
→ 千葉県船橋市(102・4) (2006-12-27)
→ 八千代市長選挙と市議会議員選挙
→ 八千代市長に豊田氏再選 (2006-12-19)
They spend a million dollars per 1 m of those roads, with huge walls and such. The most ridiculous thing is that because it is so hard to construct a road, many of them are half done. What is a road which is not -- connected? It must be a joke or something.
There are more than a million car accidents in Japan. The reason of those narrow unconnected roads? Bureaucracy. They don't build roads for nothing, much less for residents. They are employed life-long and get our tax money the amount "equals to the same amount as private company employees get". Thirty years of congestion and absolutely nothing is happening. And now what they say is -- we are better than in other countries, look at neighboring countries (cars are running and stores are quite full). What agonizes me is their announcements in the media "Don't park in a place where you shouldn't." Yes, they are discouraging the use of cars, since we human are supposed to work and work hard.