水曜日, 12月 16, 2009




イラン、長距離ミサイルの試射に成功=国営テレビ (2009-12-16)
Video: Iran tests upgraded long-range missile (2009-12-16)


イラン:政府と改革派、対立先鋭化 (2009-12-16)

There is a piece of writing by an Iranian student, in the midst of turmoil -- protests against the Ahmadinejad regime. She wrote of the moment she got the news of her friends released from custody.

"When I left the coffee shop, I ran into a friend who had just been freed from jail: Alireza Mousavi. It's been a long time since I've cried from happiness. It's a truly pleasant moment when a friend is freed."
"Nothing has made me so happy in recent months. Mohammad Nik-khah. My classmate and a friend since elementary school. We spent hours laughing the night before he was arrested nearly three weeks ago. It was as if I had been freed of the grief of his imprisonment. His mobile was shut down all through the night and I have not yet been able to speak to him.

My Saturday was a happy one."

Iranian student writes of hope, fear over protest

Tens of thousands of people were reportedly on the street to show protests. When will the regime stop being hostile to the US and EU countries? No good will come out of it. There are many ways to get things worse and there hardly are any choices around. I say, the petty revolts would result in nothing compared to what they have in the US, weapons, I mean. The Iraq war ended in three weeks. You can say that Iraqi people might have won the war in the end but Saddam Hussein is dead now.

There are many ways to get things worse and there hardly are any choices around. Coorperate -- try reconcile with the Western media, in whatever way there is. They are ignorant outside their borders anyway, find allies as in the universities, and most of all, make them be at ease, disarm. You seriously can not use nuclear weapons -- in a few hours, the retaliation will destroy the country -- aiming at you, that is. The regime change and they take over the land, making a truly democratic world of their choice. Just imagine. What they do is to destroy -- destroy the centralized government and the social orders.

Why don't they get it? There are ways -- if not too late, see what is happening to the people in Iran? If they are in the opinion that the West might take out what they value the most, we share the notion, but at the same time, no need to fear -- they can not really take it out from you, if you can keep your language.