The 2178-ton ferry (photo) was licensed to carry 850.
→ ジャワ沖沈没フェリーは日本製中古、依然400人不明 (2007-12-31)
→ ジャワ海フェリー事故177人救助、なお450人不明 (2007-12-31)
→ Buscan a 500 pasajeros de barco hundido
→ About 400 missing after Indonesian ferry sinks off the coast of Java (2007-12-31)
→ Indonesia ferry survivors found (2007-12-31)
→ 177 survive Indonesian ferry sinking (2007-12-31)
→ Race to save Java ferry survivors (2007-1-1)
→ Two-hundred rescued from Indonesia ferry sinking (2007-1-1)
→ Naufrage d'un ferry en Indonésie: la recherche des survivants continue (2007-1-2)
→ Naufrage d'un ferry en Indonésie: 1 mort, 49 disparus (2006-12-29)