→ 金剛山、観光客半分近く減る
→ 北、金剛山観光の代金をユーロで要求 米の金融制裁強化で
→ 韓米「開城・金剛山ドル」めぐり対立
→ 韓国観光公社、金剛山観光の現代に追加資金投入へ
→ 白頭山観光の年内実現が霧散
→ 白頭山の開発急ぐ中国の狙いとは
→ 中国軍が中朝国境でミサイル演習
→ 北朝鮮が受刑者に人体実験か 人権活動家が機密文書公開
→ 韓国でマラリア流行の懸念/北朝鮮水害の影響で
It it not only Korean nationals related incidents are not reported in the media -- it is non-existent by the way -- but also that whenever the newspaper takes up the matter, the article won't mension anything related to the names of politicians nor the gang. Those outspoken North Korean nationals in Japan are tied to the North's Kim Jong Il government and not to those who want to liberate it. Democracy dictates to give citizens the right to speak out and not to dominate the media and suppress the news so that other citizens won't have access to information, let alone to ban all relevant information for the interests of specific individuals.