→ Whale Beauty
→ 捕鯨反対国も会合開催=クジラ保護訴え4月、NYで (2007-2-15)
→ 日本の捕鯨船「日新丸」で火災、1人不明 (2007-2-15)
→ Japan to search stricken whaling ship for crewman (2007-2-15)
→ Fire may cut short season's whale hunt (2007-2-16)
→ グリーンピース、火災捕鯨母船の曳航を環境省に申し出る~航行不能の可能性がある捕鯨母船による南極での大災害防止のため~ (2007-2-16)
→ NZ pressures Japan to move whaling ship (2007-2-16)
→ Whaling Ship Drifts in Antarctic Waters -- Japanese whaling ship crippled by fire drifts off Antarctic waters; blaze could end whale hunt (2007-2-16)
What are those pro-whaling countries?
The Japanese government is accused of spending -- indeed our tax money -- to buy votes from countries for whaling. The total sum amounts to hundreds of millions of dollars. What is disgusting is, that they -- the govuernment officials -- claim that it is a "cheap" investment. According to polls taken from those countries, in 9 out of 11 countries the people voted for anti-whaling.
Here are the list of countries that voted for whaling last year.
Japan, Cambodia, South Korea, Mongol, Benin, Cameroon, Cote d'Ivoire, Gabon, Gambia, Guinea, Mali, Mauritania, Morocco, Senegal, Togo, Denmark, Iceland, Norway, Russia, Tuvalu, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Nauru, Palau, Solomon Islands, Antigua and Barbuda, Dominica, Grenada, Nicaragua, St. Christopher Navis, St. Lusia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Suriname
Now, anti-whaling coutries are holding a meeting in NY in April -- a slight hope for improvement.
Now this dangerous whaling in Antarctica killed a Japanese fisherman. The whaling boat caught fire -- it now is waiting to be removed from the area for fear the oil from the boat -- 132000 gallons of heavy oil and 211000 gallons of furnace oil -- might contaminate the sea.
Officially, the Institute of Cetacean Research (ICR) controls Japanese whaling there in Antarctica. These semi-official "institutes" play special roles in the Japanese society that suck up all of our tax money for nothing. This one in particular pays up more than a hundred thousand yen a year for its managers, all titled and come from media, ministries, and universities, or even from other "institutes".
→ 役人名簿
The systematic transfer of power from media-ministries-universities cartel to those institutes can alter the newspaper articles, the way they show how whaling is done, and the scientific data from universities. There are more than 26000 of those institutes and those managers get more than a million dollars upon retirement.