→ 対北制裁の禁輸ぜいたく品、車・時計など20―30に
→ 【核開発】米国が北への「ぜいたく品」流入を望まないワケ
→ 宝石・トロ、北朝鮮への輸出禁止対象に
→ 北朝鮮制裁、マグロなど禁輸・ぜいたく品で政府最終案
→ 北朝鮮禁輸品のリストを閣議決定
→ 北朝鮮の輸出入取締り徹底、税関に指示
The government is setting a list of luxury items export ban to North Korea and waiting the US government on setting of the list of its own. The Stalinist state has spent tens of millions dollars for luxury items to sustain its regime. North Korea's economy is under strict state rule which deprived its citizens of daily necessities, in turn, gives the luxury items provided from the state the prestige, status, and the authority to top officials royal to Kim Jeong Il.
→ north korea cnn
→ 北朝鮮核実験を主導か、3側近に注目
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→ 北朝鮮内部で何が?最新映像!その3