→ 米軍司令官 テポドン3開発と証言
→ UPDATE 3-North Korea conducted new missile tests, U.S. says
→ N Korea's missile programme
→ 米大統領「北朝鮮とイラン、悪の枢軸」・脅威を強調
→ 米大統領、北朝鮮とイランを「悪の枢軸」と再び批判
→ 米、偽ドル部会の設置拒否 北朝鮮に妥協せず
→ 米、スイス企業に制裁 北朝鮮の兵器拡散協力で
It IS true that some of the residents only think of their daily lives. We call it stupor of peace. It has been the policy of the policy-makers within the country and abroad. Why not? Some 3 million soldiers died in WWII.